Sunday, November 11, 2007

About last nite

If you guys think that I am going to tell this narrative in a linear fashion, you'll be disappointed. I'm just going to post whatever comes to mind and flash forward and backward without regard for a master plan.

Last nite, I went to see The Darjeeling Limited at whatever they call the old Cinema City in Hartford. Some folks like to have a drink before a flight. I like to have one before seeing a movie in a theater. I forget the name of the bar in Buckland where I saw Superbad, but I'll try and write about that experience someday.

Up the road a bit is a place called The Airport Road Cafe. I've never been there before, and I can see why. It's a hole-in-the-wall. The matronly lady behind the bar was able to make me a passable Manhattan (this hasn't always been the case during my wanderings), but I wasn't able to get a BLT. No grill or cook or something. Some loudmouth named Manny was wearing a Fonzie jacket and kept pestering the bartender. "Hey Grandma!" he'd say "I want a cheeseburger." The rest of the clientele looked like carpenters or sheetrockers who had to work that day and wer relaxing afterwards. The two guys I talked to seemed relatively friendly.

From the outside, the place looked like a jail (or a strip bar). I didn't notice any windows poking out of the stuccoed exterior. The inside didn't look too bad, but it stank of generic cigarette smoke (this is one of two places I've noticed that defy Connecticut's ban on smoking in bars. I applaud this civil disobedience, but it always makes me do a doubletake.) The place has a stage for cover bands. I'm not sure what the crowd's like when Diamondback or Texas Flood plays (two of the bands on the schedule), but it didn't seem like a happy place on an early Saturday evening in November. What's kind of weird is that the bar is on the border of a residential area heavily populated by Hispanics on one side and an industrial wasteland on the other side but most of the patrons were white bluecollar Harley types.

I settled for a roast beef on rye. That and the drink came to $11.

1 comment:

Jon said...

BTW, her 40something replacement was wearing a far too revealing outfit. I was dressing her with my eyes.